Fundraising Tips
We’re thrilled you’re taking part in our gaming marathon! Whether you’re hoping to raise £10, £100 or more - every penny raised will help Spectrum Gaming to keep running.
If you’re new to fundraising and would like some help getting started, below are our top fundraising tips. To set up your fundraising page just visit https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/sggamingmarathon24 and click “Start Fundraising”. If you’re under 18 you can ask your grown-up to help you with this.
5 Top Tips before the big day!
1. Setting a fundraising target
Having a target of how much you’d like to raise can encourage supporters to help you reach your goal.
2. Sharing stories, photos and videos
Letting people know why you're fundraising and the difference their donations can make can help motivate people to donate and share your fundraiser.
The Facebook algorithm isn't keen on links! If you post on Facebook, it can be helpful share images and videos, then leave your fundraiser link in the comments section. This will make sure more people see your post, and are therefore more likely to click on the link.
If you are sharing to Twitter/X or Instagram, you can reach more people by using our hashtag #GamingForGood
3. Consider asking questions
It would be amazing if sharing a post resulted in lots of donations, but that isn't always the case. Asking friends, family and followers questions can help to get more engagement though. For example, asking if they can share your fundraiser lets them know you are fundraising, gives them the option to share, but also means they can donate if they would like to.
4. Setting up a Facebook event
If you use Facebook, making an event and inviting friends can help people to hear about your fundraiser, and also give you the option to share updates and extra information on the lead-up to the day.
5. Sharing short, frequent updates
Sharing updates of what you are planning once a week or so can be a great way of engaging your supporters. It can be helpful to keep posts short or use short and snappy videos or pictures to maximise engagement.
Streaming Forfeit Ideas:
If you are streaming, you might like to incorporate fun and engaging forfeits to encourage people to donate during your stream. If this is something you decide to do, here are some creative ideas:
1. Dance Break:
For every donation milestone reached, stop what you’re doing and dance to a song.
2. Egg Smash Challenge:
Buy a pack of 12 eggs and hard boil 6 of them, leaving 6 raw, then mix them up so you don’t know which is which. Each time a donation target is reached, randomly select an egg to smash on your head!

Egg smash!
3. Random Game Switch:
Every time a certain donation goal is met switch to a different game chosen by viewers.
4. Karaoke Time:
When a donation target is reached, sing a song chosen by the viewers, you could also add a twist like singing it in a funny voice or also doing a silly dance.
5. Blindfolded Gaming:
At certain donation milestones play the game blindfolded for a set period, relying solely on verbal cues from someone else.
6. Streamer's Choice Challenge:
Viewers can donate to suggest challenges or tasks for you to complete within a specified time frame.
7. Food Challenges:
Set up donation goals for consuming spicy foods, eating ‘bean boozled’ jelly beans which can be either randomly nice or gross, or trying weird food combinations suggested by viewers.
8. Cosplay Transformation:
For every donation milestone achieved add a piece of cosplay attire or makeup until you’re fully transformed into a character chosen by viewers.
10. Twitch Chat Takes Control:
Set donation goals where viewers can temporarily take control of your gameplay, making you do things like playing with inverted controls or restricting certain actions.
11. Art Challenge:
Viewers who donate a certain amount can request you to draw something live on stream for them - either silly combinations of stuff, or something like their favourite Pokemon, or their profile picture if you know who they are.
12. Poetry/Rap Challenge:
Write a rap or poem about someone when they donate a certain amount.
Remember to keep the forfeits safe, fun, and within the boundaries of Twitch's terms of service!
Tips for on the day:
1. Ask people to support you on the day
If you decide to live stream it’s likely friends, family and people who donate will watch this. If you have chosen to do challenges or forfeits for hitting certain fundraising targets that might also encourage people to come and watch.
2. Share updates on the day
Sharing updates with online followers on the day about how much money you have raised and the games you are playing can help to get more engagement. If your chat makes any fun clips, these are also a great size to share on social media.
3. Having fun!
Most of all, we hope you enjoy the experience! Whatever the amount raised, or length of time gamed, we’re so grateful that you’re taking part :)

Andy being a teapot...